Best portable windows apps
Best portable windows apps

best portable windows apps best portable windows apps

To run it, simply extract the files and run the. Circle Dock supports multiple monitors and virtual desktops and is portable. The background and icons on your dock are fully customizable. You can add unlimited folders, shortcuts, links, and managements across sub-levels.

best portable windows apps

Any icons on the dock that are off the screen can be accessed using the mouse wheel or arrow keys. When you activate Circle Dock, it can display right at your mouse cursor, even if your mouse is at the edge of the screen. Sliderdock is completely customizable, from the appearance of the rings and icons to the behavior of the dock.Ĭircle Dock is another free, circular dock program for Windows, but different from Sliderdock. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to access the icons on your dock. Rotating the mouse wheel in each ring rotates the icons providing quick access to the icons. It allows you to easily add program shortcuts, files, and folders to each circular dock, or ring, by dragging and dropping. Sliderdock is a free dock program for Windows that is different from the dock programs we have showed you so far. Their site claims that they use only the latest technologies and that “you get the most powerful, stable and fastest dock for Windows platform.” The new plugin manager also provides a new stack container, similar to the Stacks docklet available for RocketDock, with fan/grid views. It’s completely customizable and contains graphics effects like reflections, transparency, shadow, blur, etc. XWindows Dock is a free dock program for Windows that emulates the Mac launcher toolbar. It’s many features and the ability to minimize programs to the dock makes RK Launcher a great Taskbar replacement. You can completely customize the appearance with themes and custom icons and add functionality with docklets. The dock can be placed on any edge of your screen or in one of the corners. RK Launcher is another free dock utility for Windows that provides a visually pleasing bar on the edge of your screen to which you can easily add shortcuts to programs, files and folders.

Best portable windows apps