Download alpha protocol steam
Download alpha protocol steam

download alpha protocol steam

This isn’t the first time something like this has happened. The rep noted that anyone who already owns the game will still be able to download and play it in the future. “Due to the expiry of music rights in Alpha Protocol, the title has been removed from Steam and is no longer on sale,” a Sega spokesperson said in a statement to Polygon. However, it turns out that Sega had to stop selling the game because it no longer has the rights to at least some of its music. Sega’s decision to pull Alpha Protocol from sale had fans on forums and social media speculating that the company was preparing to remaster it. It received lukewarm reviews, but is fondly remembered these days as something of a cult classic. Sega released Alpha Protocol in May 2010 on PlayStation 3, Windows PC, and Xbox 360.

download alpha protocol steam

Alpha Protocol’s product page on the Humble Store, which also previously sold the game, is gone entirely. Valve updated the listing on Wednesday morning to add the note, according to Steam Database’s change log. “At the request of the publisher, Alpha Protocol is no longer available for sale on Steam,” reads a message on the product page.

download alpha protocol steam

Sega, the game’s publisher, had it pulled from the storefront, according to the game’s Steam listing. Alpha Protocol, the spy role-playing game from Obsidian Entertainment, is no longer available for purchase on Steam.

Download alpha protocol steam